What do your children call you?

As a child I never thought of calling my parents by there name wrong I just remember I did that. Honestly I don’t even remember what age I started or why I begin to do that. But this week Charlie has gotten to were he is calling me Glenda.

4: What's In A Name?

David keeps reminding him I am his mom not Glenda. I didn’t think it would bother me but it does. It even hurts my feelings. Especially when were out with other adults and he does this. Then this morning Charlie took it a step further when we went shopping with his grandmother.

As we was walking through the store I was talking to Charlie and I used his nickname Bear Bear. Charlie says I am not Bear Bear I am Charlie and you need to call me by y name. Now, I know Charlie going to be 13 and growing up and thinks he is a adult.

But come on you have been Bear Bear, Wiggles, Bones and Buddha Baby all your life. Give your parents a chance to come used to the changes before you announce this in front of your grandmother. Don’t even say I am not so and so and if your going to call me that then I am going to call you by your first name and that includes you grandma.

Editorial: What's in a name? - The Brown and White

First of all it’s disrespectful to your grandmother and I don’t play that. Second of all if you want to be called Charlie or Charlie’s I am fine with that but it’s going to take me time to remember so don’t think your going to call me or your grandmother by our names because were the adults in the situation and you will respect us always.

I have a question for you. What does your children call you and why? Would you ever let them call you by your first name? If so why? How do you handle the nicknames your children were given as a baby? Do you still use them or move on to there names and why?

Thank you,


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