Tomorrow is never PROMISED…

Charlie, David and I are blessed to be able to live down the street from David’s parents. Charlie and I could see them everyday if we chose to. It wasn’t like that with my parents who lived in Oklahoma, Oklahoma. Which I regret as I didn’t get to see them as much as I would like to. I would like to remind you to never take those you love for granted.Tomorrow is never PROMISED…

Love more today. Tomorrow isn't promised. | Promise quotes ...


In order for that to not happen with my brother who is now in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma alone. We have been trying to go up at least every couple weeks to check on him. As well as mowing his yard for him. As his health isn’t that good. It’s a lot on David but he doesn’t mind because it’s family.

i’m truly BLESSED that the LORD chose to David to be my husband allowed me to be a part of the Cates family. As I was working last week I was reminded tomorrow isn’t PROMISED and to not take anyone for granted as people can be gone in the blink of an eye.

My friend Zach who has done events with me in the past had to lay his 15 year old son to rest. As he passed away from CANCER. Another friend Amber went through Cancer surgery as well. Then our neighbor my landlords mom Mrs. Mary who is 90 fell outside and busted her head open.

Tommy is paying his grandson to watch his grandmother. If you was to ask me I don’t believe a 12 year old should be paid to take care of a elderly person. But who am I to say this especially when they are not my blood relative. I just PRAY that B steps up and realizes how important his job is and takes it more seriously before Mrs. Mary gets hurt again.

Then I thank the LORD for my son who has been watching over his grandparents since he was 2. I know if this was Charlie he wouldn’t leave his grandmother’s side and that he wouldn’t let her do anything at all. As I sit her and watch B riding his bike while Mrs. Mary is inside by herself I just sit her and cringe.

As I ask the LORD to watch over Mrs. Mary and to keep her and her family safe. As well as my family because Granny Sherry had a procedure done on her back this week and she isn’t supposed to be lifting anything over 10 pounds. I would like to thank the LORD for Charlie who has been taking care of both Granny and me.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates




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