Life as we know it can change in the blink of an eye

Yesterday I had written a post called Tomorrow isn’t PROMISED. I wasn’t sure why I had chosen that post but then last night I knew. David works for the Airport and he ended up with Chemical Poisoning from chemicals they were using to clean the planes. Life as we know it can change in the blink of an eye.

Blink Of An Eye Life Quotes. QuotesGram

Due to Covid-19 I couldn’t be with David when he went to the hospital because he didn’t want me to catch anything or to take the chance of bringing something home to Charlie. Instead David’s dad went with him and he is 80 and he put his own health on the line for his son.

I am so grateful we have David’s parents for times like these but once again having David get sick made me stop and think. What would happen to Charlie and I if David passes away. Would I be able to take care of Charlie no, I wouldn’t. As I wouldn’t have any way to pay our bills.

Being 56 it would be hard to find a job that would pay me enough to take care of Charlie and I. Would I have to let Charlie live with someone else? I might have to. Then comes the question who and what would happen to me? I can’t tell you. ?

All I can say is its time to check into Life Insurance not only on myself but David and Charlie. Because anything could happen to any of us at any given time. It’s time to purchase a home and pay it off as quickly as possible so if anything does happen we would have a place to live.

Are you prepared if your life suddenly changed? Do you have Life Insurance? Is your home paid off? Would you be able to take care of yourself and anyone you needed to take care of? If not what would happen and why?


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