Always Be Passionate & Proud In What Your Do

I may never be the best blogger or business women around but I love what I do. I always try and be kind to everyone I meet. If I can help someone then that is what I would like to do. If I was asked to share one piece of advice with someone starting out I would tell them to never be afraid to share what they do and why. Always Be Passionate & Proud In What Your Do.

Keep Calm and Blog On Print (With images) | Keep calm

I am finding this out more and more as the LORD opens new doors all the time for me to walk through. I just need to follow and not question what the Lord has in store for me. As I was stumbling this morning and not wanting to work. My mother in law called and gave me the number to a lady who wanted me to call her.

I picked up the phone and dialed the number. I asked for Kelly and she let me know she would like to start a blog. Then she let me know a lady she met at a Restaurant called the Taste Project  said she should call me because I would be able to help her.

I may never know who recommended me to Kelly but I can and will thank the Lord for this new opportunity. As I feel like  I meet a new friend this afternoon as well as  found out about a Restaurant I had been trying to find for a while. Even if nothing comes from the phone call I know I must have touched this lady in some way or she wouldn’t have recommended my services.

Taste Project

As we move into a new week tomorrow remember no, matter how bad of a day your having someone else may be having a worse day. Take the time to smile and say Hello. Never ask them what they can do for you but what you can do for them. Because if we pay things forward they always come back and help us out.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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