Today You Are You by Dr. Seuss

I’ve been having trouble with Charlie doing his school work. Charlie is making me feel like a failure not only as a mom and parent but wife and business owner. I’m so tired of it. If I could I would find a hole and crawl in and not come out. Which is why today you are you, that is truer than true, there is no one alive who is youer than you written by the Author Dr. Seuss,

That isn’t feasible and the LORD reminded me of that this morning when I found this picture featuring a journal I wanted to purchase for myself from Traders Village in Arlington. I am Praying David will feel like going back this weekend I so I can see if its there.

As it’s the perfect tool to keep up with Charlie’s lessons and blogging assignments I am working on. While reminding me I am me and I am good enough. What did you think about the quote on the journal and why? Does it fit you or someone you know?

Thank you,



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