Microsoft & Games

Man on man when our children do things we never think we will do it’s like being run over by a brick. Throughout the weekend I kept getting notices from Microsoft that purchases was being made for accessories for a game. I knew this had to be Charlie.

As a parent I had been telling David we needed to get Charlie a pre-paid Credit Card he could use. Then if there wasn’t any money on his account he wouldn’t be charged. David being a man said no, nothing is going to happen. Charlie can use my card.

Well this morning I let David know  had gotten notices for Microsoft that totaled over a $100. I let David know I wasn’t sure who’s Credit Card was being charged as I had shut mine done and was waiting for new ones to arrive. David checked his bank account and found out all the money he had put aside for rent was gone and he was overdrawn.

David went to pick up Charlie from his mom and confront Charlie about this. All Charlie said was I told you we needed to remove the card or you would be charged. As a parent I don’t know if this is true or not because I don’t know anything about the game. Xbox One S 1TB All-Digital Edition Console (Disc-Free ...

To me this felt like stealing and I believe Charlie should be punished but David doesn’t think so as he says it’s all of our fault. Which it might be but I also had to cover Charlie’s card last month when he was overdrawn and David gave him money on top of this.

If it was me I believe Charlie should have to find a job and pay David back. As well as go and explain the the Landlord why were going to be late on rent. Because I don’t believe he will learn anything if we don’t hold Charlie accountable just as my dad did. NBA 2K20 - PlayStation 4: Take 2 Interactive: Video Games

Once again David isn’t listening to me and respecting my wishes. As I sit her this morning I wonder again why am I even here. Is it time to throw in the towel and get my own place and let David and Charlie fend for themselves. Because all of the disrespect I am getting from Charlie is making me sick.

Charlie stays up all night and sleeps all day. He will not do school work or do the Lawns he has been hired to do. He yells at me all the time. I honestly believe he is depressed and Bi-Polar but David doesn’t want to hear this and he doesn’t want Charlie to go to a Counselor again or discuss putting Charlie on Med’s which I believe he needs as I feel he is only going to get worse.

Before you ask me why do I stay and I would like to let you know I love my husband and no, he isn’t a bad guy he loves his family more than anything and would do anything for us. But after losing his two older children and not having a relationship with them it affects his thinking with Charlie.

Today I would like to ask you to Please pray for my family as we figure out what we need to do.



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