Spending time with family at McDonald’s

Spending time with family at McDonald’s. Lily, Jason and there mom Alyssa went to Donald’s with me. Charlie was with us and Charlie surprised me. Lily and Jason went into the into the Playground and Charlie went with them. Charlie thinks he has gotten to big to play in the playground. Although, on that day he was like a little kid and I could hear him laughing and having a lot of fun.

I sat there and watched the kids I felt the stress on my shoulders melt away. Charlie reminded me it’s okay to put our beliefs aside and go back to our childhood for a minute. To keep this momentum going I plan on spending more time with Charlie at the park and outside playing Soccer. Because to build a successful business we need to stop and smell the roses.

Otherwise we can become burned out which will cause us to quit our jobs or blogs. Which I would hat to happen. Not, only do I need these blogs for something to do but they give our families things we wouldn’t normally have. Now, if you will excuse me Charlie is playing his game and has been asking me to sit with him. I have been telling Charlie no, I am to busy.

Today, is the day to stop that and spend time with my son. Before I know it Charlie will be back in school and I will be regretting the time I didn’t spend with him. Especially with Charlie entering 6th grade this year because soon Charlie will be to big to spend time with me.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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