I need to go to “TIME OUT”!!!

I deserve to be put in


I know “CONSISTENCY” is key in blogging and I dropped the “BALL”. So time out here I come!!

As I have been working like mad on “MommiesReviews” and I have not shared anything new on BrandingBeyondBlogging.com is a long long time. Now L. Morse (Elle) has for me as she has been putting together the “Christmas Gift Guide” . But I should be on here sharing the clients and the Radio Show. Which is “HORRIBLE”.

How I can expect to make friends on this blog if I do not post on it?????

So with there only being 29 Days left in December I have to make some hard choices on what I want to happen in 2015!!

So from here on out I am back and I going to work like “CRAZY” to make this a Blog a place you want to visit and to rebuild my stats and customers trust me on this.

So hold on “TIGHT” as it might be a bumpy ride but with L.Morse’s help I can do it and I will do it.


         Elle Emme

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates



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