Social Sites You Will Need As A Blogger

Social Sites You Will Need As A Blogger

Image result for keep calm i have social sites

Good evening, How are you tonight? As we begin a new year it is the perfect time to start thinking about starting a blog. I would like to share some Social Sites You Will Need As A Blogger.

Facebook Create a Like Page:

Once your familiar with how your Facebook page works you might want to consider setting up a group and invite your Readers to come and join as it is another way to get your content seen and shared.

On the like page have a Banner that matches your website.

Make sure you fill out both the short description as well as the long site of your description.

Twitter page create your page with your banner that matches both your blog and Facebook page.

Make sure your Twitter page has your blog name on it.


Instagram which must be used through your phone and the pictures you take.



Now, you may not want all these Social Sites but they are the ones I use the most. Also these are not all the ones out there so you have to pick out what is correct for your blog.

Now, for those of you who have been blogging for a while I have a question for you which Social Sites do you use on your blog and why do you use them? Is there any tips you can share with a new blogger that they should or shouldn’t do and why would you offer this piece of advice?

Thank you for taking the time to read “Social Sites You Will Need As A Blogger”.

Also is there blogger sites you think they should look into or certain bloggers they should follow and why? Which classes do you think they should take and why do you feel that way?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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