Triple B Tip- Let’s Build Our Media Kit

Triple B Tip- Let’s Build Our Media Kit

Get Ready to Launch Your Business


Now that you  have chosen  your business. So the next question is how do find clients that want to work with me. This is why today’s business tip on Triple B is so important. As in this weeks Tip- Let’s Build Our Media Kit will allow you to showcase to clients what all you do.

A Media Kit is what a Blogger uses but I think a business owner could also use a Media Kit. Media Kits allow you to tell a client exactly who you are and what you do. As well as showcase your business in a new and unique way.

So lets get started:

The goal of a well-written media kit is to convince brand representatives and potential advertisers to work with you. Now for the items you want to include in a media kit are the following items:

  1. Information about you and your blog
  2. Your Traffic Stats if you use a Blog
  3. Your Social Media Presence
  4. Your past accomplishments in your business or blog

Now, I want to let you know it is OK to toot your own horn as people need to get to know you and what you have accomplished. So share all of your accomplishments. Which if your a blogger would include Brand Ambassadorships.

When I saw Toot Your Own Horn what I am saying is to show what you can do and any past jobs that will showcase how you have done this. So your clients can see how well it worked and it will help them make the decision to work with you.

Now your ready to write out your blog you can use any word-processing software. Then the best way to post the kit to your blog, though, is to convert it to the Web-friendly PDF format.

You can download a free PDF maker from

Now you  do not have to be a professional designer to build a Media Kit but you do want it to look good and to stand out. So if you need to hire someone to make one for you I would suggest you shop around and find a couple Media Kits you like and contact the designer and ask questions before you hire someone. Because sometimes the first person you find might not be the right person for you.

As you get ready to make your Media Kit or have someone make it for you make sure you have the following items as it will make putting the Media Kit together more smoothly.

1 Your Head Shot make sure it is clear and well lighted and that your looking at the camera and smiling.

2 Your Blog Logo and if you do not have one if you hire a designer to make your Media Kit they will be able to design you a logo. Or you can use your Blog Header.

3. A few sample photographs of work you have done in the past. Now if your not a Blogger and do not have pictures from your blog. But your a business owner and set up at Craft Fairs take pictures of your booth.

4. Or borrow graphics from your blog and add them to each page of your Media Kit.

Make sure you write your Media Kit in third person avoiding the word I. As this is for potential advertisers and brands.

As your preparing your Media Kit here is how it should look

Part one of your Media Kit- your Blog Overview.

Place your logo, a head shot, your blog name, your tag line, and no, more than 2 short paragraphs of your content.

a. One about you

b. One about your blog. Highlight your accomplishments and if you write for anyone share it here. If you have worked with other clients or hosted reviews or have a accomplishment in your work share it here.

Then State what your business is known  for and who your target audience is. You want to let people know who you are and what you do but keep it brief.  Make it stand out as this is the page that will make people want to read further. So you need to stand out and grab peoples attention.

Part 2 of your Media Kit- will be where you place your Blog Statistics.

On here you will give highlights of your blog statistics.

  1. Unique Visitors
  2. Demographic Information
  3. Social Media Presence.. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and any other sites you use.
  4. Share a couple popular post and how fast your blog is growing..

Now, if you need to you can stretch this page to two pages.

Part three of your media kit-your Sponsorship and Advertising Options.

This is where you will show your advertising options.

Now if  you would like to take a look at my Media Kit I have a one page Media Kit on my blog you are welcome to take a look at. But I also have a more in depth one I keep and email out to clients.

Now, if you like what you see with my Media Kit and have no, clue on how to put together your own Media Kit or just have questions you need answered I would suggest you reach out to L Morse and her sons with LM Solutions as this is who built my Media Kit for me. But like I said earlier there is a lot of designers who can build Media Kits so you can google them or even just post on Facebook your looking for someone to build your Media Kit and you will have so many people answer you that it will blow you away.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates




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