Mom Blogging For Dummies Wendy Piersall Author, Heather B Armstrong

Mom Blogging For Dummies Wendy Piersall Author, Heather B Armstrong

I would like to share with you a book I use for research when looking for blog resources. To me Blogging For Dummies is like my Bible for Blogging. I would be so lost without Mom Blogging For Dummies by Wendy Piersall Author, Heather Armstrong. Blogging For Dummies   has allowed me to tackle projects I never thought I would be able to do on my own.

Now, let me tell you a little secret about Mom Blogging For Dummies this book is written by Bloggers so they know what we need to know to grow into a successful blog. So I hope you take the time to check out Mom Blogging For Dummies.

Once you do also check out all the other Dummy books out there as there is quite a few geared toward Bloggers as well as ones for starting a business. So if there is a question you have about a Blog or a Business Dummy books are the ones you need.

Now if you look inside my closet you will find many of these books and any time a new one comes out I run right out to the bookstore and make sure I purchase it as I know it will help me grow as a Blogger.

Ready to start your Mom blog or enhance your existing one? This book is for you! The population of mom bloggers is growing at a stunning pace and they boast an audience of more than 23 million women reading, posting, or commenting on blogs every week. This fun and friendly guide targets moms who are looking to become a savvier blogger, build a personal brand, earn free products to review or give away, or make some extra cash through ad revenue.

Named by Nielsen as one of the most influential moms online, author Wendy Piersall helps you determine the right business model for your blog and then create a professional, in-demand personal brand.

  • Serves as a road map for the growing population of moms who are interested in creating a blog or enhancing an existing blog
  • Explains how to define a business model, understand your reader demographics, and choose the right look and feel for your blog
  • Addresses delicate issues such as dealing with privacy and family members who don’t want to be featured on your blog
  • Walks you through using social media to extend your personal brand, building traffic with SEO and blog networks, and having a plan and policies in place when big brands and media come calling
  • Offers a very unintimidating format as well as the usual fun and friendly For Dummies approach

This guide presents baby steps for breaking into the often-daunting mom blogging community, with practical advice on how to join and become an accepted member of this exciting world.

Thank you for taking the time to read “Mom Blogging For Dummies“. Now if you are thinking of starting a blog is there a certain book you use to help you set up your blog?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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