Alison Paige Photography

Alison Paige Photography

If you own a business or even work in a business and have business cards then I know you have heard how important those business cards are to you.  So as I have been researching more online about ways to stand out as there is more and more Bloggers, Business Owners and what not popping up all the time. We have to have something that sets up apart from others.

So today I would like to introduce to you Alison Paige with Alison Paige Photography as she is offering a special right now for professional headshot for you and a friend. So you will hear me telling everyone I know to check it out and to get there pictures done.

Now I am one to Preach not that I mean to but I do and I know I do. So before I go further I would like to let you know I will be meeting with Alison next Tuesday to discuss pictures for my blog as well as the business cards I had out.

But now for my dilemma and where all of my wonderful readers come in I need some help as to what kind of photographs I need and why I need them. So I am going to post what I think I should have and I would like to have you chime in as to if I am right or wrong. As the only way I can learn is through all of you sharing your experiences.



1) Do I need just one business card for both The Mommies Reviews and Branding Beyond Blogging?

2) Or one for each? How about the Social Media business would it get listed on the business card or should it be separate?

3) On Branding Beyond Blogging should it be me by myself without David and Charlie? Or should they be on this Blog?

4) On The Mommies Reviews should the pictures just be of me or me and Charlie as he helps me with the blog? Should we include David in the pictures?

5) Should I have a set pf pictures for the blogs and simply my headshot on each business card? Then add David and Charlie to mommies or not even add them at all?


Overview of Alison Paige special!!


Now that it’s a new year, a lot of you are starting your own business or joining a new business or looking to join a new business. Please consider having your headshot for your website, business card, and online profile (LinkedIn) professionally taken! A great portrait is important for today’s market! Clients and Employers want to know who they are hiring and it is also easier to remember a name when there is a face to go with it! I’m offering a special on Business Portraits! $99 for 3 high resolution and 3 web-ready enhanced digital images. Contact me to set up your session! Know a friend, bring them and you both will save $$$!

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates


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