Come check out this new class I signed up for

As we begin the New Year I have been thinking about the things I learned in the past. So as I was thinking about things today my mind wandered back to the Blogging Conference I attended a couple years ago.

As well as the classes I attended while helping at the event. Today I would like to invite you to join me in a class hosted by Bonnie from TheWomenInBiz.comI have signed up for. Inside the class we will learn how to “Create an EPIC Facebook group and fill it with your raving fans!!”.

Now, I have been toying with this for the past couple years and if I am correct I think Elle set a group up for both of us. But I haven’t done anything at all with mine so it is time to step out of my comfort zone and use the group.

Even if no, one comes and joins me inside the group at least I did set one up and it is another way for my content to be seen and for me to showcase the businesses I work with. As well as share tips with my readers.

So I would like to invite you to watch for my Group to launch and Please come and join it and share tips and resources with us inside the group. Because together we can all grow together but only if we work together.

Join Us For the  5-Day Facebook Group Challenge!

Our challenge begins on TUESDAY, January 3!

Each morning you’ll receive an email from me containing important information regarding the creation, nurturing and leveraging of Facebook groups plus a simple task to complete. Once completed, you can share your task in the TOTALLY AWEsome Women Entrepreneurs Facebook group.

Haven’t joined this amazing group yet? Click right here!

I’ll also provide you with info. and support during the 5-Day challenge via daily broadcasts right in our AWEsome FB group! Each day I’ll broadcast at 10:00 am central (except Friday–> 11:00 am central). If you can’t catch me live, don’t worry–the replay will remain up for the duration of the challenge!

During this 5-Day challenge, you’ll learn exactly how to create the Facebook group of your dreams!

I look forward to seeing you in the TOTALLY AWEsome Women Entrepreneurs Facebook group Tuesday.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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