Achieving Your Blogging Goals

Achieving Your Blogging Goals

Now that you have decided to begin a blog it is time to set some Goals. As well as to make plans on how to achieve the Goals you set for yourself.  So for me I use paper and pen as well as a calendar. For you you might prefer to do everything online which is fine as long as you have a way to keep up with the Goals you set for yourself.

So today I wanted to give you 5 Tips to help you get started with achieving your goals. Now before you get started on these 5 Goals they may not seem like things you need or want to do right now so just post them and do the tips at your own time.

You can also add to the set of Goals you want to achieve on your blog as 5 might not seem like enough for you but for me 5 is perfect as it is manageable and something I know I can accomplish.

1) Learn How To Use Google Analytics

Google Analytics will help you to track not only how many people are visiting your blog, but also which posts are the most popular, and what search terms are bringing people to them time and again. As you see which posts are getting the best response, you can better plan what to write in the future.

As for me I am not sure how Google Analytics work as I usually depend on my VA Elle Emme to keep me informed of these things. But it is time to stop depending on others and to figure things out for myself.

So this is where Google and You Tube come in handy as I can do a search for “how Google Analytics” work and it will tell me exactly what I need and why something is or inst working.

So here is a new class I will need to take this year along with photography and also I need a class on SEO and Meta Tags as I really do want to grow and all of these are key things a blog should know.

2) Create An Editorial Calendar

There are times when you will be inspired to write and publish a post right now, but that kind of inspiration probably won’t come every day. For days when you aren’t sure what to write, you need an editorial calendar. . It is also helpful for setting up a blog post series or making sure you are varying your content and not putting too many sponsored posts together in one clump.

Now Elle has been drilling into my head that I need a Editorial Calendar and the busy I get and the more subjects I want to blog about the more I can see why I need a Editorial Calendar which I did set up last year and I did use it some. But not near as much as I should have.

So this year the one thing I am going to do is to put together a Editorial Calendar and I plan on having a lot of post in drafts and scheduled for days I can not blog. Because without new content we can not grow and our readers will get tired and not come back. So lets stop that from happening.

3) Build Numbers By Building Relationships

Numbers are important in blogging. Visitor counts, social media followers, pageviews – we track all of these and more.

When it comes to building these numbers, the best way to see them grow is to build relationships. Set aside time to focus on social media. Following other people in your niche is a great way to start. It is a good idea to follow ten to twenty new people each day. But you can’t just sit quietly in the corner after you follow them. You have to put yourself out there, join in conversations, and connect with your readers and other bloggers.

Now you may be asking where can I find other Bloggers in my Niche to follow and there is a lot of different ways. But the top 5 ways I use are:

  1. Search for local Blogging Groups on Facebook.

Post questions on Facebook asking for Bloggers in your Niche.

2) Google Bloggers in your Niche to follow

3 Tweet for Bloggers in certain Niches

4 Do a search on Pinterest for certain content and it will led you to new Bloggers.

5 Join Linky’s for Bloggers like Wordless Wednesday post or even Blogging Challenges.

Just make sure you follow the blogs and leave comments and share there content for them. As you want to show them your here to help them out and not just looking for followers.

4) Be Consistent And Set Boundaries

Consistency is good for your readers, and it is good for you. Learn what time of the day works best for writing, for leaving comments, for responding to emails, and for social media, and then set aside those times to do just that. You will build trust with your readers who will know when to expect a new post from you. You will also find that setting aside a specific time to write and interact with your followers, and getting into a routine for writing, will help you to get more done in a shorter period of time.

Now, I am one of the worst people to say this as I let the blog and phone take over my life. But as the mom of a small son it is time I set boundaries and I stick to them. Because right now I don’t have time for Housework which David ends up doing. Playing with Charlie or spending time with David. Which to me is unacceptable as one day one of us might not be here. So this year it is time to slow down and rebuild my relationships with my family. As this blog will always be here but they may not be.

5) Allow Room For Change

Don’t become discouraged if things don’t go exactly as planned. Sometimes a goal that seems like a good fit turns out to be exactly the opposite.  If you find that your blog is moving in a different direction, or something that you thought would be awesome isn’t really working for you, it is okay to make a new decision. Tweak your plans, and try something new.

Just remember life can get in the way or you might need to change things and that is OK. As sometimes things don’t work the way we thought they would. Or you find yourself moving in a different direction. So don’t pout or get frustrated just Pray about it and move on.

Thank you for taking the time to read “Achieving Your Blogging Goals”. Now, I have a question for you what is your Goals this year and how do you plan on accomplishing them?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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