Ways to Nail your Brand’s Social Media Voice

Today, I would like to let you know we need to work on  Ways to Nail your Brand’s Social Media Voice. So, I found a post I would like to have you read. It is from the International Bloggers Association and it is called 4 Ways to Nail your Brand’s Social Media Voice.

Inside this class we will learn the following items:

  • Who do you want to serve?
  • How old are they?
  • What are their biggest problems?
  • What can you help them with?

Once you know the answer to this question, every marketing effort will magically fall into place. It will be a lot easier knowing what to share and more importantly, how to speak to your audience, so they have the feeling of “This person really gets me!”.

At one time I would have said I could answer these question in 30 seconds flat with my eyes closed. But not anymore it is time I sit down and write each question down and the answers I come up with.

As I know things not only have changed in my personal life as well as my blogs and that means I need to figure out the right way to brand myself and my business. So I would like to invite you to come along with me on my journey. As well as asking you to jump right in with me and work on your own Ways to Nail your Brand’s Social Media Voice.

Once you begin to work on this please come back and share with me what you have done and also any areas your struggling on so I can help you out with your problems and we can continue to grow together.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates


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