Triple B Tips- Let’s Get Your Direct Sales Business Moving

Let’s Get Your Direct Sales Business Moving!
Let's Get Your Direct Sales Business Moving
Today I wanted to share some new ways to share your business that you might not have thought of. And remember even if it doesn’t seem to work the first time. That people have to see you at least 7 times before they make a purchase. And if your always around they will get used to you. But if you do something one week and then not the next week. And show up the third week they will forget about you.
1) Pick a street with Business on it and walk inside and introduce yourself and your services. But do not try and sell to them. Find out about the business and how you could work together. Take them a small treat of some kind so they remember you. And visit them for a month. Building a friendship and they will remember you and what you do. And each time take some of there business cards to hand out to others you meet.
2) Get the phone book out and find local business that compliment yours and set up a meeting and visit the business. And take them a plan of how you can work together and help each other.
3) Summer is right around the Corner and all the local parks will be hosting Games so grab some water while it is on sale. And make a cute label with your information on it and head out to the park and offer water to everyone you meet. And tell them in 30 seconds or less what you do and to contact you if they can use your services.
4) Visit local events in your area and exchange business cards with the other Vendors. And once the event is over give them a call to meet in person and ask them how you can help them. Not what they can do for you. As you want them to  know your there for them not yourself.
5) When you are mailing out your bills always enclose a business card and coupon in the envelope. And if your looking for recruits let them know this as well. As you never know who will get the bill and what they might be looking for.
6) Do you have a business that a Teacher, Fireman, Policeman, Doctor or businessman can use then contact them and bring them a sample of what you have and how you can enhance there business.
ie A Apartment Complex and if I sold Candles I could take them some Tealights to put in the apartment so when people visit it smells fresh and clean.
Or a Doctors Office and I sell children books  I could take them a book to keep in the office for the children to read with my label on it.
6) Are you visiting the Restrooms in a Business? Take some tape and a business card and hang it on the inside of the Restroom Stall.
7) Going out to dinner leave a business card with the Check and a coupons so they will keep the paper you leave.
8) Is there a School by you in May is Teacher Appreciation week take the teachers Gifts and include a business card of what you do and a catalog.  And the Gift doesn’t have to be anything expensive a pen or pencil with a business card on it is a perfect Gift for a teacher.
9) Talk a walk through your neighborhood and introduce yourself to your neighbors and let them know you own your own business and invite them to a open house. And you might even meet someone looking for a business or another business owner and can do the open house together.
10) Visit Garage Sales and leave a Business Card with the people holding it as they may need extra money and be looking for a business. And you can ask them if you can leave catalogs and business cards for these shoppers. And if they allow you to leave them a small Gift as a Thank you.
11) Visit the Banks and Hotels in your area and offer them samples to hand out to there customers.
And Bonus tip Hire some children and ask them to hand out Filers for you in there neighborhoods. As kids work cheap. And you can offer then a Gift for a certain amount of sales. As they have friends and family they can give fliers to and teachers and so on.
Now what do you do to promote your business?
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