Triple B Tip- Spend Money to Make Money

One of the most hardest things I had to learn when I wanted to start a business was that I had to spend money to make money. But you must set up a Marketing Plan and a Budget and stick to it. No, matter what comes up do not spend more than you budgeted for. And if you do make sure you take the extra money out of the next week or months budget. Otherwise you will find yourself in the whole. And I have been there and it isn’t fun.
Spend Money to Make Money
Especially when your spending someone else money and you have to explain to them why there isn’t any money for groceries. And trust me on this as I have been here more than one time and it isn’t fun
So for me I always think of what I would spend in a day on drinks or lunch and take half of that and put it back into my business. So if I was going to spend $10 a day that would be $50 for a week and that would give me $25 I could spend on my business that week. And if I didn’t spend it the next week I would have $50 to spend.
And then I take that money and purchase the items I needed or pay for a event. Or advertising online. Or for a VA I use in Blogging. And you might say but I am in Direct Sales and do not need a VA that isn’t try as they can still help you build your business and save you time.

So here is 5 things you should think about spending money on

1) Advertising online
2) Facebook and Twitter Ads
3) A VA to advertise for you make Fliers and set up online shows for you. As well as run a Blog for you if you do not want to.
4) A website or online store
5 Gas and Lunches as well as Networking Fees as you need to get out and meet people.
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