Carmie Kendrick The Nutty Bavaria

The Nutty Bavarian of Texas

It seems lately I live on Facebook as we keep finding new events to help out people with. So to find the Vendors for the events we have to set up groups and post in groups as well to find Vendors. So the other day even though I should have been working I was on Facebook looking around and low and behold I found the Vendor I have been looking for  and it is The Nutty Bavaria since I started these events.

This Vendor does the Cinnamon Pecans that I love love love.  If you have been to the Malls or to local events you will find them inside with a Booth selling these wonderful Snacks. For me it is the hardest booth to walk by. I always have to stop and get a snack if nothing else.

So David has been telling me I should find them or a Kettle Corn maker to come set up at my events. So since last year I have been searching and in Gods time not mine low and behold I can announce I have been able to secure

The Nutty Bavarian for my show on May 16th and it things work out the way I hope they do we will also have them at the October 3rd show for Brooke Foster.

So if you have not tried these Nuts now you know where you will find them at in May but why wait till them just follow there page on Facebook and it will show you where they will be. Or if you are having a party they do Catering as well and are the only one in Dallas/ Fort Worth that does this!!!!

Brooke May 16th Thrusday night

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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