50+ and Healthy: What You Need to Know About Mental Health and Healthy Aging – for You and Your Loved Ones

I thought I would share with you what I am reading this week. Being 50 is no, piece of cake and David is beginning to have more and more Health issues so I picked up 50+ and Healthy: What You Need to Know About Mental Health and Healthy Aging – for You and Your Loved Ones.

I know a book isn’t as good as visiting a doctor but with no, insurance. I I can find tips to help David and I out then that is what I want to do. I know people use all natural methods including Essential Oils and they are healthier than people on meds.

What You Need to Know About Mental Health and Healthy Aging – for You and Your Loved Ones

50+ and Healthy is an exceptionally strong, evidence-based guide to help facilitate positive mental health. It presents easy-to-understand information on a topic of great importance – healthy aging, mental health, and mental illnesses. This information is prepared by an internationally renowned leader in the field – Professor Murali Rao, MD, FACLP, DLFPA, Professor & Chair of Psychiatry & Behavioral Neurosciences at the well-known Loyola University in Chicago.

This text is a wonderful opportunity to know about available resources, practical approaches, and a GAME PLAN(TM) method enabling you to help yourself and your loved ones, of any age, in moments of distress or mental health crisis.

The book is for readers of any educational and professional background. There is no technical jargon. With easily presented information and relatable case studies, you can learn a lot in a very short time.

With this book, you can learn from a world authority about:

  • Healthy aging and mental health
  • What are the common mental illnesses, why people get them, how to identify them, and how to manage them
  • Practical approaches for first aid and later interventions
  • Self-care for mental health and successful aging

If you are interested in healthy aging and how to help yourself, your family members, and your friends with mental health, this book is for you.

Empower yourself with mental health knowledge today!

(All proceeds go to a nonprofit organization engaged in mental health awareness education.)

About Murali Rao

Murali Rao

Dr. Murali Rao is the Professor and Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences at Loyola University Medical Center in Chicago. He specializes in liaison and emergency psychiatry. Additionally, he serves as a member of multiple professional bodies including the American College of Psychiatrists, the Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine, CINP, the Indian Psychiatric Society, and the American College of Forensic Psychiatry.

Dr. Rao has received multiple awards and fellowships including Distinguished Life Fellow by the APA, Outstanding Academician Award by the Indo-American Psychiatric Association, and the Master Teacher Award by the Stritch School of Medicine. Dr. Rao has also had more than 50 journal publications.

All proceeds from Dr. Rao’s books go to a nonprofit organization engaged in mental health awareness education.

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Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates
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