High Blood Pressure

I must tell you High Blood pressure isn’t something to mess with. Before you ask me how I would know this my Blood Pressure is high. As was my moms who was high enough to cause her to have a stroke if she hadn’t gotten medicine for hers.

Before you ask me if High Blood Pressure runs in my family it does. As my brothers was high as well a couple months ago. Hindering his Eye Sight and causing Gerald to have a stroke. Which was also part of not knowing he had Diabetes.

I’ve been trying to change the way I eat. I researched foods and beverage that might help me bring my High Blood pressure down.We don’t have insurance which keeps me from going to the doctor the way I need to. Which is sad because I want to be here to see Charlie grow up. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to me.

One of the foods I found out I should try was Dark Chocolate which is sad. I don’t care for Dark Chocolate. I prefer Milk Chocolate. How about you? What is your favorite Chocolate Candy and why? Or do you prefer another type of candy?

While I was in Target the other night I picked up Brookside Whole Almonds in Dark Chocolate. I got home I read on the back of the package I could have up to 7 pieces at a time. I opened Brookside Whole Almonds in Dark Chocolate. I tried Brookside Whole Almonds in Dark Chocolate which was so good. I didn’t want to stop eating Brookside Whole Almonds in Dark Chocolate.

Brookside whole almonds, dark chocolate - 5.5 oz

I could’ve eaten the whole bag of Brookside Whole Almonds in Dark Chocolate at once. I didn’t and Brookside Whole Almonds in Dark Chocolate lasted me for 5 days. I like knowing I can purchaseBrookside Whole Almonds in Dark Chocolate not only at Targets but Walgreens and Kroger’s as well.

I also looked up what kinds of beverages would help me lower my High Blood Pressure. On the website I checked ut they said to drink Coconut Water. David and I were at Walmart I picked up a container C2O Pure Coconut Water, 33.8 Fl Oz. This size of container allows me to have a glasses of water multiple times a day.

Not all coconut waters are created equal. Fresh from the inland coconut groves of Thailand, C2O Pure Coconut Water fuses a unique, full-flavor profile with all of the naturally occurring electrolytes sweet Mother Nature has to offer.
Image may contain: one or more people, outdoor and water
From an especially fragrant & tasty variety that is unique to the inland soils of Thailand, our coconuts are a freshwater type that yields a more delightful taste than the salty flavor of more common coastal coconut.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates



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