Road Trip/ Field Trip to Dublin, Texas

I mentioned yesterday we were going to get out of Dodge and take a Road Trip/ Field Trip to Dublin, Texas. Yes, we did make it to Dublin, Texas. We walked through the town. Unfortunately the Dr. Pepper Museum was closed due to Covid-19 there only opening Thursday through Sunday.

would like to give you one piece of advice before heading off into the Wild Blue Yonder if there is someplace special your wanting to visit make sure you contact them for  the days and hours there open. When your talking to them ask if there is other places you should visit as well.

Luckily yesterday the Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Center was open after we had lunch. David and I went in and talked to the lady who manages the Education Department. She went over a lot of the local businesses with us and why we should stop by them.

Before we left she ever let me know there were other Museums in town we would want to visit. As well as upcoming local events during Halloween we should bring Charlie out to. Now you might say this was a wasted trip but to me it wasn’t as I made a new friend.

I was able to have lunch in a new restaurant. As well as check out local stores and do some shopping. As well as walking and getting in my daily exercise. Before we left we even visited a park. Before you ask would we go back defiantly the sooner the better.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates


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