Let’s Learn How To Increase Traffic To Our Blogs

Let’s Learn How To Increase Traffic To Our Blogs

Good morning, as we get closer to the new year, I wanted to truly thank ALL for taking the time to visit my blog. Here’s to a happy and healthy new year to you and your family!

One of the biggest blogging resolutions I see both new and old bloggers make is, trying to increase traffic to their blogs.  So as we begin our day I wanted to share some great way to increase traffic is to make sure that your smaller blog can be easily found and be easily linked to by other bigger blogs.

Many larger blogs LOVE sharing the quality content of lesser known blogs, to there  audiences, so that they can get new and fresh eyes on them. To help you with this I have composed a checklist for a linkable blog post, EVERY TIME.  Plus I also wanted to share 8 ways that you can get your blog seen by other bigger blogs.

Step 1: Have a beautifully designed blog and no, you do not have to spend thousands of dollars to get a blog designed.  If you’re just getting started, you can check-out this post for  build your own design services.  As there are  ways you can improve your design without needing to start from scratch.

Step 2: Write Magnetic Headlines. This will allow you to  pull in readers, and ensure that your post gets lots of engagement. As, I am hearing more and more that  having a killer headline is tremendously important.

Step 3: Write blog posts that are around 600+ words. Not every post HAS to be that long, but if you really want to offer your audience well-written, in-depth articles, aim for at least 600 words on the majority of your posts. Now if you can’t write at least 600 words make sure you at least have 300 words to be picked up by Google. Also make sure your headline is less than 75 letters.

Step 4: You also might want to check into using infographics on your blog? Infographics change up the type of content you’re offering your readers and can be a great tool to get people to engage in the comments of your post. As, for me I haven’t done this yet but I know I want to. I just have to figure out a) how to make infographics or b) where to find ones we can use on our sites.

Step 5: Share video content. Another fantastic way to shake up the type of content you’re sharing is to share videos on your blog. They can be videos of yourself demonstrating something, or maybe a video that might be of great use to people in your niche. Keep switching things up to spark the interest of new and current readers. As for me I always use You Tube videos to enhance my site. But you can find videos anywhere and they really do capture peoples attention. So try and include a video in at least one post a week if not more.

Step 6: Curate the right content. Curating content allows you to expand your area of expertise. If you aren’t an expert in a certain area of your niche, curating other’s posts into one article, can end up bringing new readers in. They’ll look at you as a reliable source of information! I do this through a number of different ways including through Guest Post. In the new year I just need to do this much more often.

Step 7: Don’t be afraid to link to other blogs, and be sure to tell those bloggers you shared their content. Many bloggers will be incredibly grateful for you sharing their posts, and, will in turn, share something of yours. I do a weekly Blogger Shout out and if you would like to be featured let me know. I also do a Recipe Shout Out and in a lot of post I will link to other sites as it can help me get the point I want to make across. So you might want to do this as well and if you need sites to link to Google is a good way to find the content your looking for.

Step 8: Finally, make it EASY for your followers to share your content. If you have social share buttons at the top and bottom of your posts, readers are more likely to share it out than if they have to search around for a way to share. I know I have buttons under my post but I need to add them to the top of my post as well. Plus I need to make at least one picture in every post a pinnable image so people can share more of my content. So I have to practice learning how to do this. So for me I will be using Pic Monkeys free site.

Getting found by the bigger blogs won’t happen overnight, but if you are consistently producing quality posts (using some of these steps), and sharing it on social media, you’ll begin to see growth. Just don’t give up! Blogging is not something that you typically see immediate results with, it takes hard work and dedication, but I promise, with that dedication, you’ll eventually see results.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates


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