As I get busier with work I keep thinking I need a office

As I get busier with work I keep thinking I need a office and this is something I had been thinking about even before I launched F.R.O.G.S. So once again God knew my needs before I did.

As once I meet Nancy Moore Smith from Heart to Heart Soul Creations and we began working together she was having the same thoughts.  The nice part is Nancy is like me and would like to have the same kind of office and to do a lot of the same things I would like to do if I had a office.

So yesterday Nancy and I had our one on one with Santonye’s Event Center. Where we was able to walk though the center and set down with Tony Wilson and his beautiful wife Cassandra Bradford Wilson.

So we touched on a lot of things we would like to partner with them on including a Meetup and also a Handcrafted Craft Fair along with the Blogger event I want to put together.

Although what I didn’t realize was they rent office space by the day or the month. So the busier Nancy and I get and the more one on ones we need to host. We can look into renting  space from Tony and Cassandra once or twice a month. As we usually spend this much money meeting in a restaurant.

So if you have been looking into office space you might want to take the time as well to contact Tony Wilson or Casandra and talk to them about renting a office as well.

Office space when you need it! $25 per day/$250 per month. Call us today 682-323-7289



Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates



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